Wednesday, December 16, 2009


5 more weeks until our Due Date!!!! I am so glad that it's Christmas! We are having company starting this week! I am so close to being done with all of our shopping!! I just have those 2 tough people left- my brothers-in-law! I was counting on having help from Joe, but he's been working long hours and now I only have a couple of days before the festivities begin! Maybe next year will be the year that I'm not rushing to finish last minute shopping! :)

We are all finished with our Bradley class, we have a birth plan, and our Doula is on standby! I found a rug for his room but we still have a few things to get. I have a bundle of gift cards to spend but I've managed to save them and it looks like I'll be doing some shopping after the holidays! I'm so thankful that we are having company since we aren't able to travel this year! I'm also thankful for so much excitement to distract me from my nerves! I have been pretty laid back and confident, but I get butterflies thinking about what's going to be happening in a few more weeks!

According to, he's probably over 18 inches long and over 5 lbs! WOW!! Our little seed has grown into a melon! It feels like I have a melon in there too! It's pretty weird, but I am really enjoying carrying my lil buddy with me! I love that he's super active and is always reminding me that he's getting ready too! It's still very surreal and even though I have seen it, it's hard to believe that there's a face with chubby cheeks in there that looks like my husband! Haha! I just can't wait!!! Not much longer before we're on the other side! I hear that life doesn't start until you have kids and once they're in your life it's hard to imagine how you lived without!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

50 Days!!!!!

Here are a few photos from our trip to Kansas City last month! We had such a great time! We got to see lots of family and even went down to Oklahoma to see Uncle Richard and Aunt Phyllis! The first part of the trip, Dad, both Joes, and some friends went out to Garden for opening day of pheasant season! They didn't have the best luck, but they brought home 12 birds and had a great time doing it! I am so glad that my husband and my family get along so well! He is a perfect fit!

While the guys were out having their fun, we had some fun of our own! Mom and Ali had a baby shower for us!! I was really surprised and thankful for the turnout! It was so nice to reconnect with family that I haven't seen forever! It's really easy to get homesick and feel a little lonely out here on the West Coast so it was just awesome to see that we have so many people that love us even though we aren't as close as we wish we could be! I was also really thankful that my sister-in-law could be there and we had a couple of days to spend together! I really hope that someday we can be closer to family, but being so far away and only getting to see each other a few times a year really makes me appreciate the time that we do get!

Shockingly, at my appointment the week that we got back, I hadn't gained any weight! My doctor said that it's unusual at this stage so we're hoping for a growth spurt before our next appointment! I'm not worried, especially since he's very active and I know that he has chub on his cheeks!! We have 50 days until our due date!!! I can't believe how quickly November flew by and I'm sure that December will be the same way since we have so much going on. I'm really looking forward to having Joe's mom here before Christmas! We won't have any company on Christmas Day, oddly enough, so we're going to spend it at Joe's step-sister's house with his Dad. That will be really cool since we don't normally see them on the holidays! I'm so excited to show off my belly!! It's huge!! Then, after Christmas, Mom and Dad will be here! And THEN, the baby will be here!!!! Such an exciting time! Anticipation is so fun! We are all ready for him! I've got his clothes washed and his room ready enough for him to move in! I still need to go pick up the rug so it doesn't feel so bare in there, but after we get that and we start "living" in there, I'm sure it will warm up! I'm really happy with the way his room is turning out! Thanks to Alisha, we have the most adorable bedding and some hand-painted art for the walls!! I'm hoping to have his cousins paint pictures to hang over his changing table, too. Really though, all we need now is the baby! :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Baby's First Photos!!!!

We got to see our little man's face for the first time last week!!!! It was the most incredible experience! He is soooo cute! Only about 9 more weeks until we get to kiss those chubby cheeks!!! It was so amazing to see him smile!!!! He has hair on his head and has Joe's lips!

Such chubby little cheeks!!

It's kinda wild that you can see the bones in his arm! I love this one because it really shows the hair that he is growing on his head!

This one might be my favorite- so precious!

He seemed to be a little irritated that his feet were in his face! Every other ultrasound we've had he was sucking his thumb- he didn't quite find it in this picture but he seemed to be satisfied chewing on his arm!

This is a cool shot of his ear, hand, and foot- it's getting cramped in there!

I'm going to try to put the video on YouTube- it's the wrong format right now though. Anyhow, I hope I can figure it out so everyone can see what happened when we took this picture- he smiled!!!!! It was amazing!!! He was definitely reactive to mine and his daddy's voice!

Good to see he has found something to play with to pass the time! :)

We had an awesome visit and trip home! I'll write more about all of that later. I'm unpacking and doing laundry but was so excited to share these!!! Hope to have a YouTube link soon!! :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

80 More Days!!!

I can't believe how much this lil guy has grown over the last 2 weeks!! So this is what the 3rd Trimester is like... :) He's supposedly about 15" and 2.25 lbs. So big yet still so tiny! I am counting the days until we get to meet him! We are looking forward to a glimpse of him at our 3d ultrasound that we have scheduled in a couple of weeks! Awww! I haven't ever posted to YouTube but we're going to get a video and try it!

We had a fun Halloween and as predicted, it feels like we're on the backside of the hill and picking up speed! We had 2 parties and I went as a nun to the first and a trailerpark mechanic to the second. We forgot the camera at the first! It was funny- Joe was a priest!

We are so ready for the holidays! Our big trip home is in a just a couple of more weeks and we can't wait!! Joe's got all of his hunting gear out and he's been out shooting a few times. We're hoping to finish the nursery this weekend so we can start moving the baby in! I'm looking forward to shopping for diapers and Christmas gifts and am going to do my best to get it done in better time than ever before! I'm always in the stores last minute and I don't know if my big belly or my feet are going to stand for that this year! I'm crossing my fingers!! Next post: 3d baby photos and memories from KC!!!!!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Growth Spurt!! 26 Down- 14 To Go!

He is getting so big!!! According to, he's now about 14" from head to toe and 1.7 lbs! I feel like he went through a growth spurt in the last 2 weeks- I'm huge! I love my baby belly but I'm a little nervous about how big it will be in 14 weeks! We had an appointment last week and got to hear his little heart beating! The doctor said he is measuring a little bit big- maybe that will mean that he will come a little bit early! :) We only have one more "monthly" appointment then we will start going twice a month. That means we only have 6 more before his due date! We're making a little progress on the nursery. The ceiling, shelves, and doors are done- now I just need to paint the walls and Joe has some lights to put in and we need to put up the beadboard paneling and chair rail. Seems like a lot still! I'm not worried though. I know it's going to get done and it's going to look great when it does! Our weekends are filling up though and we're going to be pretty busy this next couple of months. I feel like we're on the downhill and it's going to go by really quickly! It's so exciting!!

The bigger my belly gets, the more nervous I'm becoming about never fitting into my clothes again and, more importantly, how he's going to be arriving! We've started a class on the Bradley Method of natural childbirth, and I'm really hoping that it will help me build my confidence! So far I really like the class and our instructor. Joe wasn't too excited about having to go to 10 classes! I'm really glad that we'll have some preparation though and hope that he can feel included in the birth process! Only 14(ish) more weeks! It sounds like forever, but at the same time right around the corner! We've been making the most of our time together and have been enjoying each other a little extra- we're never going to be a family of 2 again! It's been amazing, but we're ready and really super excited about growing our own little family tree!

Friday, October 2, 2009

24 Weeks and Growing!!!

It's definitely sinking in that we're really going to have a BABY!!! Holy smokes! It's a little hard to imagine how much our lives are going to change, but I'm so ready! I had a moment of panic last week thinking about how much we still have to do! We don't have a single diaper, the nursery's not even close to ready, and I'm going to give birth! Luckily, it really was just about a moment, and I remembered we have plenty of time... after all, it seems like it's taken forever to get to where we are! We don't have too much longer left though really. My Belly Book says that the third trimester starts in Week 26 although I think it's really Week 28... either way, it's close! I am sooo excited to get a 3d/4d ultrasound so we can see our little guy's face!!! I'm even more excited for him to get here so I can kiss his cheeks and hold him and love on him! :) He weighs a little over a pound now and is about a foot long. It's amaaaazing how strong he is getting too! He seems to be most active late in the evening while I'm laying down. This week I have been putting one hand on my lower belly and one on the upper and I can feel him with both hands! It's like his head is down and his butt is up and I can feel it in the palm of my hand! I love being able to feel him just kinda wiggling around! I know that it won't be long before Joe gets to feel some different kinds of movement and see them too! We don't have a lot going on this weekend. We have one more coat to put down on the patio before we "move in" and a guy's is coming to texture the ceiling in the baby's room!! One project almost done and on to the next! xxoo

Monday, September 21, 2009

Moving Right Along!

We haven't had a lot going on lately so I haven't felt like I've had much to write about! I wanted to blog last week, but I accidently erased the pictures I wanted to post... oops! I was so impressed last weekend that I took pictures of the amazing breakfast that Joe made for me- they were the most beautiful Belgian waffles with strawberries, blueberries, and whipped cream! I am so lucky to have such a loving (and super handsome) husband! :) We've really been enjoying each other and looking forward to welcoming our son! It was a fun summer, but I'm really ready for fall. We are all set to stain the concrete on the back patio and are just waiting for it to cool off a little! I think this may be the week that we're able to get it done! Joe installed some outdoor speakers under the eaves and after the concrete's stained I'll paint the cabinets that we're moving out there and our patio project will be complete! We've been dreaming about it for years now so we're very excited to enjoy it!

We are 22 weeks this week! The baby is doing great! We had a doctor's appointment last Friday. My belly measured right where it was supposed to and our weight gain is looking good! The baby weighs a whole pound now!! He's about 11" from head to toe. It's really awesome feeling him growing! Joe felt him move for the first time last week!! It was really exciting for me- I've been feeling him for a while now and I have been so anxious to share some of this lil miracle with Daddy! He is pretty active. While the doctor was listening for his heartbeat he was kicking a lot! We did get to hear it though and it sounded great at 144 bpm! Joe had his ear up to my belly yesterday and got a little punch on the cheek! I read that the baby already has the same sleep pattern as a newborn. He's most active later in the evenings. He seems pretty laid back for the most part though, so I'm hoping that he won't give us too much of a hard time after he gets here! :) I also read that his hearing is developing and he should be able to hear us now. I've been reading to him everyday out of Where the Sidewalk Ends. They say that babies will become familiar with rhythms in utero and they will recognize them after birth! We listen to music everyday also- I know that classical is supposed to be best, but I've been more in the mood for jazz! I am sure that he's going to be a pretty smart cookie no matter what! :) Speaking of smarts, the doctor mentioned that I need to get a lot of Omega-3's to help with that! My prenatal vitamins already have DHA which is an Omega-3, but we bought a big bag of walnuts for me to snack on and we're going to start eating more fish. I don't really care much for cooked fish or really any freshwater fish, so if anyone has a good idea or recipe please share! We grilled salmon last night with lemon and lemon pepper, zucchini, and mushrooms. It was pretty good, but still fish! I'm hoping that the more I eat it, the better it starts to taste! We'll see!

We should start growing a little quicker! I'm hoping to have a nice round belly for Halloween! xxoo

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day 2009

We had a great Labor Day Weekend! We stayed home, but Joe and I had a lot of fun together! Saturday we took some old friends and some new friends out on the boat. There were 13 of us but we fit surprisingly well!! 4 of the 13 were kids so they didn't take up too much room! We took the giant island and tied up with the Lambertz Family and had a ton of fun! I forgot the camera that day, but it was a good one! Sunday we went out on the boat again, but didn't have the crowd riding along. We tied up with the party though and ended up with who knows how many people on and over the boat all day. At first it was a little boring, being in the middle of the party and not "participating", but as the day wore on, the entertainment picked up! Haha!! I had a great time watching everyone else and meeting new people! Then, on Monday, we got up and had the best breakfast at The Lookout. We sat out on the patio looking out over Lake Elsinore. There is a giant water plane that floats on the lake there and fills up with water to help with firefighting. While we were there we got to see it take off and land! The plane is from WWII and has been neat to see flying around. There are several wildfires in Southern California right now so it gets plenty of use! After breakfast, we came home and relaxed for a while and watched Gran Torino, then we took the truck out behind the lake and did some 4x4 exploring! It was a beautiful day and we found our way to a spot on the backside of the lake that we'd been wondering about for a while! We grilled some yummy kabobs for supper and it was the perfect end to a lovely long weekend!

A narrow view of the string of party boats!

The lake from a hill we crested while we were exploring!

We're officially halfway and, although I probably looked a little chubby in my bikini, I love my belly!!! It's really cool that my belly button's changing too. It's really soft on the bottom. I hope it pops so I'll have an outie! I'm also getting a really light linea nigra- a line that runs up the middle of my belly. I heard that it's darker with boys so we'll see how dark it gets!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

19 Weeks

I can't believe we're almost halfway through the pregnancy! The reality of it is starting to sink in and I'm getting a little nervous but mostly just so excited!! He's about 6" crown to rump this week and I imagine him to be the same size as my favorite sandwich from Subway but with arms and legs! That seems so big compared to the blueberry I was just thinking of a few weeks ago! He still has so much growing to do before he gets here too... it's hard to imagine! I really feel like I'm starting to grow along with him. I think it's easiest to tell what is baby when I'm laying down- when I stand up I think I just look chubby. :) I can feel that he is putting on some weight! At first his movements felt a little like popcorn, but now they are stronger and more noticable.

Courtney came out this last weekend! It was great to see him! We spent Saturday afternoon on the boat. It has been over 100 degrees for the past few weeks! I'm about ready for it to start cooling down though so I can start walking again. When I said goodbye to Joe at 4:30 this morning it was already really warm and muggy feeling. It's forecasted to get down to 90 this weekend and that seems like it will be a relief! I think Joe's ready for some cooler weather too! He's been talking a lot about camping lately and we're planning on going in the fall. We're sticking close to home for now though and will be here for Labor Day!

Hope everyone has a great holiday!! xxoo

Brutus is excited too! We were checking out the pack-n-play that Ali and Joe brought for us!
Baby belly! 19 weeks 4 days!

Friday, August 21, 2009

18 Weeks

We are 18 weeks today! I'm so excited that I'm my belly is growing! The baby is about the size of a big pickle with arms and legs this week. I've been eating a TON of pickles! We're buying them in the economy sized jars! Haha!! I don't know what it is about them- they're just so good! I read that they are a natural cure for heartburn but luckily I haven't had any of that yet!

We had a doctor's appointment today and had blood drawn for the 2nd Trimester Screen. We also got to listen to his heartbeat. It sounded strong and steady! Some people buy or rent dopplers so they can listen to their baby's heartbeat at home. They bounce a signal off of the baby and it reflects the heartbeat then it processes it and what we hear through the doppler is an electronic version of the heartbeat. I think it would be so much better if we could hear the actual heart sounds! I've read that we can listen in with a fetoscope, but I've also read that you can't hear much with these until much later in pregnancy. So, I've considered the options and have concluded that I'm happy just feeling the little guy moving around in there! That has been the best part of pregnancy so far and I love it! :)

My cousin Courtney is coming to visit this weekend! He's a Marine stationed at 29 Palms. I am so proud of him and am excited to see him! We're going to get up early Saturday morning and take him wakeboarding! I hope to get some great pictures to share!

Friday, August 14, 2009

!!!!!!!!!! IT'S A BOY !!!!!!!!!!

We are so happy! We are 17 weeks today and our little one is about the same size as a turnip! He measured at 17 weeks exactly! The doctor looked at his brain, heart, kidneys, boy parts, spine, where the cord connected on each end, and some other boring stuff! :) Everything appears to be just fine!!! Neither of us were very nervous for this appointment, but we are definitely glad to have the peace of mind that he looks healthy. The doctor offered another amniocentisis but I politely declined being stuck with that needle again! The baby was sucking his thumb again- I love the picture of it; it looks he's flexin'! The nurse called him a "snuggler" because he is nestled fairly low in my pelvis. This appointment was with the perinatologist- we see our OB on Tuesday. I don't think we'll have another peek at the baby until 32-34 weeks- maybe we'll do the 3D/4D! I think that this was enough to tide me over until then! Now it will be exciting to watch my belly grow! I've been able to feel him everyday, but it's still mostly when I'm laying down in the mornings. I've been starting to notice some movement at other times of day too! It's just amazing and I thank God every day that we have this opportunity to become parents! We need a little help with names though, so suggestions are welcome! xxoo

Saturday, August 8, 2009

16 Weeks

This is the week! It's finally here! We get to see our little one again this Friday! I have been counting down so impatiently! We have an avocado this week! :) We'll have the anatomy scan at the perinatologists' office and they will measure the baby and it's brain and some bones and look at it's organs to make sure it is developing properly. This is the scan that revealed the anomalies associated with Trisomy 18 in Jonah. I would expect to be nervous, but as of now, I'm not at all! I'm just really excited! This last week was an awesome week. My belly seems to be getting a little rounder although it's still not apparent that I'm pregnant! At the end of week 15 I started feeling some movement fairly regularly! It's soooo cool! I notice it the most in the mornings when I'm laying on my back using the computer. This morning I think it was dancing to Cyndi Lauper... maybe it is a girl! Haha!! We'll find out on Friday!

Kalah is coming out on tomorrow with some friends that are considering buying a house here. Joe loves showing people around the lake- he makes a great tour guide! I'm really excited to see her! It hasn't been too hot here (forecast says 92 for Sunday) but the water is warm! We went out on Marcus' boat yesterday and Joe got to wakeboard! He's learning some new tricks and is (as always) really fun to watch! We buzzed his head for the summer- it looks really good on him especially when he's flexin' on the wakeboard! :)

We're enjoying our new patio! We have a new little friend that has been visiting everyday. He's not shy either! The feeder is just outside the kitchen window so we see him often or he perches on a branch across from the patio and will sit there while we eat dinner!

New baby pictures to come later this week!!! xxoo

Friday, July 24, 2009

It's Friday!!

We are 14 weeks today and our little gummy bear is not so little anymore! It's about the size of a lemon! We are getting so close to finding out if it's a boy or a girl... 3 weeks from today!

Even though Joe had to work a few extra hours this week, it was a great week! I'm feeling so much more like myself and much less hormonal! On Monday we put misters in the new patio cover and tried to enjoy them on Tuesday, but ended up having to make a few adjustments, then the same thing happened Wednesday! Finally, yesterday, after a few MORE adjustments, we were able to hang out on the patio comfortably! When we did the concrete, the guy that helped us didn't quite order enough and there is a little bit of a difference in color where they did the second pour. It turns out that the concrete had too much of a certain something in it, so the concrete company is going to pay for a stain! We had wanted to do this anyway and now it's not going to cost us anything! I voiced my opinion on color but trust Joe's good judgement and think we're going with "Cobble Brown." It's going to look so nice! Now we just need some nice patio furniture and landscaping and it will be perfect! Haha!

We have a busy weekend planned. Tonight we are going to Joyce's for a wine and cheese party. We won't be staying late though since Joe has to work tomorrow morning. (They have really been working hard this week!) Tomorrow night is Frank's "White Trash Birthday Bash." We are going to dress the part so it should be pretty funny! I wish I looked more pregnant- that would definitely complete the look!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Please say a prayer for my new friend who just had a daughter born with T18. Baby Marisol is going on her 8th day of life!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jimenez Family in SoCal!!!

My sister and her family were here this week! We met them at Park Moabi on the Colorado River and camped Friday night and Saturday night. It was so much fun! It was about 115 degrees outside but the water was crisp around 70 degrees. We went through the Topock Gorge- it was so pretty! There were red rocky cliffs on both sides of the river. Pictures definitely don't do
it any justice! It was about 18 miles from our campsite to Lake Havasu so it took us about an hour, maybe a little longer, to get there. We went through the channel where everyone beaches their boats and hangs out in the water and stopped and swam for a while. It's a lot of fun to people watch and see all of the nice boats! We went under the London Bridge which wasn't as exciting as I think maybe the kids were thinking it was going to be! We had some lunch outside in the sand at Joe's favorite- The Naked Turtle then put the tube in the water and had some fun! It was hilarious watching Ali and Kalah ride it together! They were so funny! Both of the guys got to ride too and all of the kids too- I was a little jealous- it looked like so much fun! We stopped at the sandbar on the way back to camp and Saul and
Eli played catch and Bella collected sand in a water bottle. It was a beautiful relaxing day but it would have been so nice to have had another one just like it! We left Sunday and came back to Canyon Lake and Joe J. made us some really good spaghetti! The next day we slept in and went down to Newport after Joe got home from work. We planned on just getting our feet wet before dinner with Kalah, but Saul could not wait! He took off his shirt and went for it! It was really shallow for quite a ways and the break was fairly gentle so he got out there pretty far (or it looked far from where I was on the beach!). Of course Elijah was right behind him and little Bella couldn't be left out so she went in with all of her clothes on! They were so excited! It was really cute! After Kalah got off of work, we met her at my favorite place on the boardwalk, Mutt Lynch's, for dinner. I like it because it has big open windows facing the beach
and we sat right by them! Tuesday was their last day here! I had 2 doctor's appointments that day so I didn't get to go back to the beach with them. That evening though, Kalah came out and we grilled and had time to hang out! We sat out on the new patio and had a few cocktails (I missed out on that part!) and a few laughs! It was so nice to just be with my sisters and spend time together! I really miss being able to do that more often and hope that someday we can live closer to each other! I am just really thankful that Joe and Ali spent their vacation coming out to visit us! I'm really REALLY excited that we made plans to get together again! I have been hoping to talk Joe into travelling this winter before the baby's born since we will probably stay here for Christmas. He had been talking to Dad about getting out there to pheasant hunt- sounds perfect! So the plans are (loosely) for us to visit KC sometime in November when Dad and the boys can take the weekend to go down to GC to hunt and then hopefully we can spend the rest of the week! I would have really missed home if we weren't able to make it there this year and with a new baby, who knows when we'll be ready to travel! I'm looking forward to showing off my baby belly too! (I say that now... maybe I'll rethink that when I start getting bigger :)) We'll see as the time gets closer, but I am so excited! So it was a sad goodbye, but at least we have November to look forward to!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

First Trimester Screen

We had our second ultrasound today for our first trimester screen! I was so nervous so I started crying right away when we saw the baby and it was moving! It's an active little one and it was sooo cute!!! It was sucking it's thumb!!! The doctor said the measurement was excellent and we should have the results of the blood test within a week. I'm not nervous for that though! We felt very relieved and reassured when we saw the baby and they told us that it looks great! The countdown is now on till our next ultrasound on August 14! It will be with the perinatologist as well just because we're at a slightly elevated risk. I don't mind though because they will do the diagnostic ultrasound 2 weeks before our OB will! We will find out the sex of the baby then! The tech today told us that if she had to bet on it, she thought it looked like a boy!!! We won't start shopping until after the next ultrasound when they can tell for sure! I've been dreaming about a boy and the old pendulum-over-the-belly trick said boy too! Only 4 more weeks until we know for sure! It really doesn't matter- it was just so amazing to see our little one has grown and is doing well! Today it is 2.6 inches from crown to rump and measuring right on schedule. It's so crazy that this little face we're seeing is so tiny! Still working on the belly bump- not much to see from the outside! He/it is very active though- too bad I can't feel any little flutters yet! Check out the last picture- it says "1st Footprint"! If you double click the photos they will get bigger!

We're having a really great time with Ali and Joe and their family... I will blog about that tomorrow! I haven't gone through the pictures that we've been taking yet. This is our last night with them. We're going to grill and Kalah is going to come stay the night too!



Whole Body

Thumb's Up!!


Thursday, July 9, 2009


I figured out how to enable the comments!! It couldn't just be as easy as just clicking the "Allow Comments" button... I had to back up my widgets (who knew?) and voila! :) Anyhow, I can proudly announce that you may now leave comments! We're looking forward to your feedback!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Woohoo! Summertime is in full swing and we're loving it!! Thankfully our first trimester is almost over (officially July 21) and hopefully the worst parts of pregnancy will go with it! I haven't had a hard time, I'm just ready to have some energy back and I'm sure Joe's ready for the moodiness to go away! He would probably tell you that I haven't been as bad this time as last- I think last time I wasn't always "nice" but this time I feel like my negative moods are more on the sad side. It's been a pretty emotional last couple of months! It isn't fair that our pregnancy
experience has been jaded, but we're doing our best to think positive! I think it will be a different story in a couple more weeks when we get past our 18 week diagnostic ultrasound and when I start to feel the baby moving and I get a belly! I cannot wait!!!! We have our first trimester screen next Tuesday. I'm apprehensive because I've heard that false positives are somewhat common, but our doctor told us that she will be able to tell us with 98% confidence whether the baby is "normal". We declined this test last time so it will be a new experience! I'm super excited to get to see the baby again! It should look more like a baby this time and less like a bean! It should also be fairly active so I just can't wait! They'll do a detailed ultrasound and measure the nuchal fold on the back of the baby's neck and combine the statistics for that measurement with a blood test to see if we're at an increased risk for abnormalities. We're really looking forward to hearing that everything appears to be okay!!

We had a great time last weekend out on the lake! We and 2 other couples spent the day floating and the weather was perfect! We even brought a little grill that clamps onto a side rail of the boat and enjoyed hotdogs for dinner! :) We met up with Marcus and April's family and had a front row view to the fireworks. I think they were probably some of the best (if not THE best!) that I had ever seen! It's really cool being out there in the dark with so many other boats around celebrating together- just awesome! Isn't the picture of Joe and Adelle adorable? He is going to be an amazing Daddy!

This weekend we are heading to Park Moabi to meet up with the Jimenez family! Yay!!!! I can't wait to see them!!! Kalah, Joe, and I are taking the boat and leaving around noon on Friday. It's about a 4 hour trip but since we'll be pulling the boat, it will probably take 5 or 6! :) We'll spend Saturday in the water and probably go down river to Lake Havasu. Then on Sunday, we're all coming back here! I feel so lucky that they are using their vacation to visit us!

We have some exciting things going on this summer!! Stay tuned! xxoo