Tuesday, September 1, 2009

19 Weeks

I can't believe we're almost halfway through the pregnancy! The reality of it is starting to sink in and I'm getting a little nervous but mostly just so excited!! He's about 6" crown to rump this week and I imagine him to be the same size as my favorite sandwich from Subway but with arms and legs! That seems so big compared to the blueberry I was just thinking of a few weeks ago! He still has so much growing to do before he gets here too... it's hard to imagine! I really feel like I'm starting to grow along with him. I think it's easiest to tell what is baby when I'm laying down- when I stand up I think I just look chubby. :) I can feel that he is putting on some weight! At first his movements felt a little like popcorn, but now they are stronger and more noticable.

Courtney came out this last weekend! It was great to see him! We spent Saturday afternoon on the boat. It has been over 100 degrees for the past few weeks! I'm about ready for it to start cooling down though so I can start walking again. When I said goodbye to Joe at 4:30 this morning it was already really warm and muggy feeling. It's forecasted to get down to 90 this weekend and that seems like it will be a relief! I think Joe's ready for some cooler weather too! He's been talking a lot about camping lately and we're planning on going in the fall. We're sticking close to home for now though and will be here for Labor Day!

Hope everyone has a great holiday!! xxoo

Brutus is excited too! We were checking out the pack-n-play that Ali and Joe brought for us!
Baby belly! 19 weeks 4 days!


  1. That is definitely a baby bump!!! I am sooo stoked you are finally showing... It must be sooo exciting to be halfway through! Glad to hear everything is going well! Let's try to get together here soon after Labor Day! Missing you bunches!


  2. I'm confused! Are you two having a boy or a girl? Either way, the name Christopher or Christina is a great choice. :)
