Friday, August 14, 2009

!!!!!!!!!! IT'S A BOY !!!!!!!!!!

We are so happy! We are 17 weeks today and our little one is about the same size as a turnip! He measured at 17 weeks exactly! The doctor looked at his brain, heart, kidneys, boy parts, spine, where the cord connected on each end, and some other boring stuff! :) Everything appears to be just fine!!! Neither of us were very nervous for this appointment, but we are definitely glad to have the peace of mind that he looks healthy. The doctor offered another amniocentisis but I politely declined being stuck with that needle again! The baby was sucking his thumb again- I love the picture of it; it looks he's flexin'! The nurse called him a "snuggler" because he is nestled fairly low in my pelvis. This appointment was with the perinatologist- we see our OB on Tuesday. I don't think we'll have another peek at the baby until 32-34 weeks- maybe we'll do the 3D/4D! I think that this was enough to tide me over until then! Now it will be exciting to watch my belly grow! I've been able to feel him everyday, but it's still mostly when I'm laying down in the mornings. I've been starting to notice some movement at other times of day too! It's just amazing and I thank God every day that we have this opportunity to become parents! We need a little help with names though, so suggestions are welcome! xxoo

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