Tuesday, November 3, 2009

80 More Days!!!

I can't believe how much this lil guy has grown over the last 2 weeks!! So this is what the 3rd Trimester is like... :) He's supposedly about 15" and 2.25 lbs. So big yet still so tiny! I am counting the days until we get to meet him! We are looking forward to a glimpse of him at our 3d ultrasound that we have scheduled in a couple of weeks! Awww! I haven't ever posted to YouTube but we're going to get a video and try it!

We had a fun Halloween and as predicted, it feels like we're on the backside of the hill and picking up speed! We had 2 parties and I went as a nun to the first and a trailerpark mechanic to the second. We forgot the camera at the first! It was funny- Joe was a priest!

We are so ready for the holidays! Our big trip home is in a just a couple of more weeks and we can't wait!! Joe's got all of his hunting gear out and he's been out shooting a few times. We're hoping to finish the nursery this weekend so we can start moving the baby in! I'm looking forward to shopping for diapers and Christmas gifts and am going to do my best to get it done in better time than ever before! I'm always in the stores last minute and I don't know if my big belly or my feet are going to stand for that this year! I'm crossing my fingers!! Next post: 3d baby photos and memories from KC!!!!!!!

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