Saturday, August 8, 2009

16 Weeks

This is the week! It's finally here! We get to see our little one again this Friday! I have been counting down so impatiently! We have an avocado this week! :) We'll have the anatomy scan at the perinatologists' office and they will measure the baby and it's brain and some bones and look at it's organs to make sure it is developing properly. This is the scan that revealed the anomalies associated with Trisomy 18 in Jonah. I would expect to be nervous, but as of now, I'm not at all! I'm just really excited! This last week was an awesome week. My belly seems to be getting a little rounder although it's still not apparent that I'm pregnant! At the end of week 15 I started feeling some movement fairly regularly! It's soooo cool! I notice it the most in the mornings when I'm laying on my back using the computer. This morning I think it was dancing to Cyndi Lauper... maybe it is a girl! Haha!! We'll find out on Friday!

Kalah is coming out on tomorrow with some friends that are considering buying a house here. Joe loves showing people around the lake- he makes a great tour guide! I'm really excited to see her! It hasn't been too hot here (forecast says 92 for Sunday) but the water is warm! We went out on Marcus' boat yesterday and Joe got to wakeboard! He's learning some new tricks and is (as always) really fun to watch! We buzzed his head for the summer- it looks really good on him especially when he's flexin' on the wakeboard! :)

We're enjoying our new patio! We have a new little friend that has been visiting everyday. He's not shy either! The feeder is just outside the kitchen window so we see him often or he perches on a branch across from the patio and will sit there while we eat dinner!

New baby pictures to come later this week!!! xxoo


  1. Cute picture....or you and the humming bird. You look so cute!!! Can't wait to see you when you get bigger!!!

  2. Nice blog layout. Congratulations once again.
