Monday, September 21, 2009

Moving Right Along!

We haven't had a lot going on lately so I haven't felt like I've had much to write about! I wanted to blog last week, but I accidently erased the pictures I wanted to post... oops! I was so impressed last weekend that I took pictures of the amazing breakfast that Joe made for me- they were the most beautiful Belgian waffles with strawberries, blueberries, and whipped cream! I am so lucky to have such a loving (and super handsome) husband! :) We've really been enjoying each other and looking forward to welcoming our son! It was a fun summer, but I'm really ready for fall. We are all set to stain the concrete on the back patio and are just waiting for it to cool off a little! I think this may be the week that we're able to get it done! Joe installed some outdoor speakers under the eaves and after the concrete's stained I'll paint the cabinets that we're moving out there and our patio project will be complete! We've been dreaming about it for years now so we're very excited to enjoy it!

We are 22 weeks this week! The baby is doing great! We had a doctor's appointment last Friday. My belly measured right where it was supposed to and our weight gain is looking good! The baby weighs a whole pound now!! He's about 11" from head to toe. It's really awesome feeling him growing! Joe felt him move for the first time last week!! It was really exciting for me- I've been feeling him for a while now and I have been so anxious to share some of this lil miracle with Daddy! He is pretty active. While the doctor was listening for his heartbeat he was kicking a lot! We did get to hear it though and it sounded great at 144 bpm! Joe had his ear up to my belly yesterday and got a little punch on the cheek! I read that the baby already has the same sleep pattern as a newborn. He's most active later in the evenings. He seems pretty laid back for the most part though, so I'm hoping that he won't give us too much of a hard time after he gets here! :) I also read that his hearing is developing and he should be able to hear us now. I've been reading to him everyday out of Where the Sidewalk Ends. They say that babies will become familiar with rhythms in utero and they will recognize them after birth! We listen to music everyday also- I know that classical is supposed to be best, but I've been more in the mood for jazz! I am sure that he's going to be a pretty smart cookie no matter what! :) Speaking of smarts, the doctor mentioned that I need to get a lot of Omega-3's to help with that! My prenatal vitamins already have DHA which is an Omega-3, but we bought a big bag of walnuts for me to snack on and we're going to start eating more fish. I don't really care much for cooked fish or really any freshwater fish, so if anyone has a good idea or recipe please share! We grilled salmon last night with lemon and lemon pepper, zucchini, and mushrooms. It was pretty good, but still fish! I'm hoping that the more I eat it, the better it starts to taste! We'll see!

We should start growing a little quicker! I'm hoping to have a nice round belly for Halloween! xxoo

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day 2009

We had a great Labor Day Weekend! We stayed home, but Joe and I had a lot of fun together! Saturday we took some old friends and some new friends out on the boat. There were 13 of us but we fit surprisingly well!! 4 of the 13 were kids so they didn't take up too much room! We took the giant island and tied up with the Lambertz Family and had a ton of fun! I forgot the camera that day, but it was a good one! Sunday we went out on the boat again, but didn't have the crowd riding along. We tied up with the party though and ended up with who knows how many people on and over the boat all day. At first it was a little boring, being in the middle of the party and not "participating", but as the day wore on, the entertainment picked up! Haha!! I had a great time watching everyone else and meeting new people! Then, on Monday, we got up and had the best breakfast at The Lookout. We sat out on the patio looking out over Lake Elsinore. There is a giant water plane that floats on the lake there and fills up with water to help with firefighting. While we were there we got to see it take off and land! The plane is from WWII and has been neat to see flying around. There are several wildfires in Southern California right now so it gets plenty of use! After breakfast, we came home and relaxed for a while and watched Gran Torino, then we took the truck out behind the lake and did some 4x4 exploring! It was a beautiful day and we found our way to a spot on the backside of the lake that we'd been wondering about for a while! We grilled some yummy kabobs for supper and it was the perfect end to a lovely long weekend!

A narrow view of the string of party boats!

The lake from a hill we crested while we were exploring!

We're officially halfway and, although I probably looked a little chubby in my bikini, I love my belly!!! It's really cool that my belly button's changing too. It's really soft on the bottom. I hope it pops so I'll have an outie! I'm also getting a really light linea nigra- a line that runs up the middle of my belly. I heard that it's darker with boys so we'll see how dark it gets!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

19 Weeks

I can't believe we're almost halfway through the pregnancy! The reality of it is starting to sink in and I'm getting a little nervous but mostly just so excited!! He's about 6" crown to rump this week and I imagine him to be the same size as my favorite sandwich from Subway but with arms and legs! That seems so big compared to the blueberry I was just thinking of a few weeks ago! He still has so much growing to do before he gets here too... it's hard to imagine! I really feel like I'm starting to grow along with him. I think it's easiest to tell what is baby when I'm laying down- when I stand up I think I just look chubby. :) I can feel that he is putting on some weight! At first his movements felt a little like popcorn, but now they are stronger and more noticable.

Courtney came out this last weekend! It was great to see him! We spent Saturday afternoon on the boat. It has been over 100 degrees for the past few weeks! I'm about ready for it to start cooling down though so I can start walking again. When I said goodbye to Joe at 4:30 this morning it was already really warm and muggy feeling. It's forecasted to get down to 90 this weekend and that seems like it will be a relief! I think Joe's ready for some cooler weather too! He's been talking a lot about camping lately and we're planning on going in the fall. We're sticking close to home for now though and will be here for Labor Day!

Hope everyone has a great holiday!! xxoo

Brutus is excited too! We were checking out the pack-n-play that Ali and Joe brought for us!
Baby belly! 19 weeks 4 days!