Friday, January 22, 2010

D Day!!!

We made it!!! Our due date is today, Friday, January 22, 2010! Our baby has been growing for 40 weeks and is officially supposed to be "done". So am I so I am hoping that the little guy will evacuate soon! Haha! We had an appointment Tuesday and when I woke up that morning, I was kind of thinking that he would come that day because I was having low back pain and cramping. We were dilated 3cm and 60% effaced, but he was still station -2. I woke up Wednesday feeling worse than Tuesday and thought that it would surely be the day... the day wore on and the pain wore off so I went to the gym and walked a brisk hour on the treadmill. Thursday I woke up with lots of low back pain and thought for sure it was the day... same as the day before though so I went back to the gym. As expected, today came and still no baby! I am losing faith in my "feeling" so I'm no longer expecting him to come today, but I can't lie, I still have a little hope! I am feeling so much worse today than I have. Serious pains! Too bad they're not consistent. He has really been jabbing me hard today too so it seems like he's ready to stretch out. Where's the problem?!? :) Just kidding, I knew that he would be late, I am just getting really anxious. April and I went and got pedicures today. I got the super deluxe with the gift certificate that she got me and blue polish on my fingers and toes. It was so nice but I was really hoping that during the massage she would maybe hit a pressure point and help this labor start! It's been a few hours now though and so far not feeling any different. Joe and I are going to celebrate the day and go out for sushi tonight! Yummy!!! We haven't had it since Mom and Dad left after Christmas so it sounds really good! It will be nice to get out of the house and get my mind off of this baby. It's been raining for 6 days straight now so I've had a lot of time to drive myself crazy! Mom and Dad will be back on Sunday so maybe he's just waiting for them to get here. All I know is that I am super excited and whether he comes tonight or in a week, it's not much longer! My next post will definitely contain baby pictures!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are sooo cute preggo!! I also just saw pics of little Hunter! He is such a doll!!! Congrats! Can't wait to hear your birth story and how the Bradley birthing method went for you :)

