Thursday, December 3, 2009

50 Days!!!!!

Here are a few photos from our trip to Kansas City last month! We had such a great time! We got to see lots of family and even went down to Oklahoma to see Uncle Richard and Aunt Phyllis! The first part of the trip, Dad, both Joes, and some friends went out to Garden for opening day of pheasant season! They didn't have the best luck, but they brought home 12 birds and had a great time doing it! I am so glad that my husband and my family get along so well! He is a perfect fit!

While the guys were out having their fun, we had some fun of our own! Mom and Ali had a baby shower for us!! I was really surprised and thankful for the turnout! It was so nice to reconnect with family that I haven't seen forever! It's really easy to get homesick and feel a little lonely out here on the West Coast so it was just awesome to see that we have so many people that love us even though we aren't as close as we wish we could be! I was also really thankful that my sister-in-law could be there and we had a couple of days to spend together! I really hope that someday we can be closer to family, but being so far away and only getting to see each other a few times a year really makes me appreciate the time that we do get!

Shockingly, at my appointment the week that we got back, I hadn't gained any weight! My doctor said that it's unusual at this stage so we're hoping for a growth spurt before our next appointment! I'm not worried, especially since he's very active and I know that he has chub on his cheeks!! We have 50 days until our due date!!! I can't believe how quickly November flew by and I'm sure that December will be the same way since we have so much going on. I'm really looking forward to having Joe's mom here before Christmas! We won't have any company on Christmas Day, oddly enough, so we're going to spend it at Joe's step-sister's house with his Dad. That will be really cool since we don't normally see them on the holidays! I'm so excited to show off my belly!! It's huge!! Then, after Christmas, Mom and Dad will be here! And THEN, the baby will be here!!!! Such an exciting time! Anticipation is so fun! We are all ready for him! I've got his clothes washed and his room ready enough for him to move in! I still need to go pick up the rug so it doesn't feel so bare in there, but after we get that and we start "living" in there, I'm sure it will warm up! I'm really happy with the way his room is turning out! Thanks to Alisha, we have the most adorable bedding and some hand-painted art for the walls!! I'm hoping to have his cousins paint pictures to hang over his changing table, too. Really though, all we need now is the baby! :)


  1. He's going to be here before you know it!! The nursery is cute! Hope you are feeling well! Keep us updated!

  2. Looks like you had a great time. The nursery looks fantastic.
