Monday, October 19, 2009

Growth Spurt!! 26 Down- 14 To Go!

He is getting so big!!! According to, he's now about 14" from head to toe and 1.7 lbs! I feel like he went through a growth spurt in the last 2 weeks- I'm huge! I love my baby belly but I'm a little nervous about how big it will be in 14 weeks! We had an appointment last week and got to hear his little heart beating! The doctor said he is measuring a little bit big- maybe that will mean that he will come a little bit early! :) We only have one more "monthly" appointment then we will start going twice a month. That means we only have 6 more before his due date! We're making a little progress on the nursery. The ceiling, shelves, and doors are done- now I just need to paint the walls and Joe has some lights to put in and we need to put up the beadboard paneling and chair rail. Seems like a lot still! I'm not worried though. I know it's going to get done and it's going to look great when it does! Our weekends are filling up though and we're going to be pretty busy this next couple of months. I feel like we're on the downhill and it's going to go by really quickly! It's so exciting!!

The bigger my belly gets, the more nervous I'm becoming about never fitting into my clothes again and, more importantly, how he's going to be arriving! We've started a class on the Bradley Method of natural childbirth, and I'm really hoping that it will help me build my confidence! So far I really like the class and our instructor. Joe wasn't too excited about having to go to 10 classes! I'm really glad that we'll have some preparation though and hope that he can feel included in the birth process! Only 14(ish) more weeks! It sounds like forever, but at the same time right around the corner! We've been making the most of our time together and have been enjoying each other a little extra- we're never going to be a family of 2 again! It's been amazing, but we're ready and really super excited about growing our own little family tree!

Friday, October 2, 2009

24 Weeks and Growing!!!

It's definitely sinking in that we're really going to have a BABY!!! Holy smokes! It's a little hard to imagine how much our lives are going to change, but I'm so ready! I had a moment of panic last week thinking about how much we still have to do! We don't have a single diaper, the nursery's not even close to ready, and I'm going to give birth! Luckily, it really was just about a moment, and I remembered we have plenty of time... after all, it seems like it's taken forever to get to where we are! We don't have too much longer left though really. My Belly Book says that the third trimester starts in Week 26 although I think it's really Week 28... either way, it's close! I am sooo excited to get a 3d/4d ultrasound so we can see our little guy's face!!! I'm even more excited for him to get here so I can kiss his cheeks and hold him and love on him! :) He weighs a little over a pound now and is about a foot long. It's amaaaazing how strong he is getting too! He seems to be most active late in the evening while I'm laying down. This week I have been putting one hand on my lower belly and one on the upper and I can feel him with both hands! It's like his head is down and his butt is up and I can feel it in the palm of my hand! I love being able to feel him just kinda wiggling around! I know that it won't be long before Joe gets to feel some different kinds of movement and see them too! We don't have a lot going on this weekend. We have one more coat to put down on the patio before we "move in" and a guy's is coming to texture the ceiling in the baby's room!! One project almost done and on to the next! xxoo