Such chubby little cheeks!!
It's kinda wild that you can see the bones in his arm! I love this one because it really shows the hair that he is growing on his head!
This one might be my favorite- so precious!
He seemed to be a little irritated that his feet were in his face! Every other ultrasound we've had he was sucking his thumb- he didn't quite find it in this picture but he seemed to be satisfied chewing on his arm!
This is a cool shot of his ear, hand, and foot- it's getting cramped in there!
I'm going to try to put the video on YouTube- it's the wrong format right now though. Anyhow, I hope I can figure it out so everyone can see what happened when we took this picture- he smiled!!!!! It was amazing!!! He was definitely reactive to mine and his daddy's voice!
Good to see he has found something to play with to pass the time! :)
We had an awesome visit and trip home! I'll write more about all of that later. I'm unpacking and doing laundry but was so excited to share these!!! Hope to have a YouTube link soon!! :)